
8GB - Asus VivoBook S551LN - - 204pin SO

Memory RAM | 8GB ✭ Asus VivoBook S551LN - ✭ 204pin SO-DIMM DDR3 1600MHz, Unbuffered, 1,5V CRM8192D3/ASNB128-S009744 ✓ Large stock ✈ fast delivery.


Amazon.com: OFFTEK 8GB Replacement Memory RAM Upgrade for Asus VivoBook S551LN (DDR3-12800) Laptop Memory : 電子.

ASUS - VivoBook S551LN 的記憶體

專為個人系統升級 · 4GB DDR3 1600MT/s Non-ECC Unbuffered SODIMM. 產品型號: KVR16LS11/4 · 8GB DDR3 1600MT/s Non-ECC Unbuffered SODIMM. 產品型號: KVR16LS11/8 ...

Asus Laptop VivoBook S551LN Compatible Memory RAM Upgrades

Buy Memory RAM Upgrades for your Asus Laptop VivoBook S551LN - 100% Compatibility Guaranteed. ✓ Low Cost Delivery ✓ Low Prices ✓ 100% Safe & Secure.

ASUS Vivobook S551LN

*T&C apply. Rated speed of RAM module. Actual memory speeds may vary by CPU configuration. Shop and Learn. Mobile / Handhelds: Phone · Gaming Handhelds; Laptops ...

ASUS VivoBook S551LN | SSD Upgrades

Crucial 記憶體與SSD 升級- 保證與ASUS VivoBook S551LN. ... 您需要多少記憶體(RAM)? 瞭解更多資訊 · Crucial 記憶體 · DDR5 RAM · DDR4 RAM · Crucial Pro DRAM · 選購所有 ...

Memory Upgrade for ASUS VivoBook S551LN Laptop

The ASUS VivoBook S551LN Laptop takes the DDR3L PC3L-12800 1600MHz SODIMM memory type, and comes installed with 4GB (Soldered) memory.

RAM Memory for Asus desktop S551LN

Buy your official Asus RAM chips here ; RAM 2 GB DDR3L for S551LN. Available ; RAM 4 GB DDR3L 1600 MHz for S551LN. Available ; RAM 8 GB DDR3L 1600 MHz for S551LN.

[開箱] ASUS VivoBook S551LN 觸控筆電

... S551LN 有 ... 內建4GB RAM為焊死,記憶體升級空間受限 以上是我的開箱心得,用到目前為止 ...

產品規格數據ASUS Vivobook S551LN

內部記憶體: 4 GB, 內部記憶體類型: DDR3L-SDRAM. 總儲存空間: 1.02 TB, 媒體儲存功能: HDD+SSD, 光碟機: DVD Super Multi 燒錄器. 提供作業系統: Windows 8.1. 產品 ...


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